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Affiliation to The Brawl Arena

Any Super Smash Bros or gaming site can affiliate with The Brawl Arena.

You will have alot of time to add my button or banner or text link to your site so have fun and enjoy your stay.

In your e-mail to I need the following:

Your site Url

your e-mail address.

I also need you to put up a button or banner or text link to my site.

I don't care about hits/visitors to your site you will get them with time.

Your layout has to be good it don't have to be great or perfect or anything so you know.

You can have as much content as you want on your site.

Also if you were an affiliate of The Brawl Arena before and are back online then tell us and we will put you back on the affiliates list so you know.

Your site can be updated when you have time to but don't go a year without updating without telling why you won't be updating.

I may go easy on this one if your site is visited a lot. Some kind of counter is needed please. I use Site Meter and Extreme tracking so you know these are great.

NO Porn, NO Cursing, NO Hacking Sites etc. If it has any of these things on it, It will not be Accepted. I will not go easy on this either so don't try at all cause you know I will say no right off the bat.

Other then the above have fun and enjoy your stay.

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